by Bill Sheate
But surely its HOT - there's a heatwave emergency?
The problem with the language of heatwaves is that it can cause more anxiety than necessary, when the actual purpose of heatwave planning and heat-health alerts is to encourage people to take preventive action, provide advice and mobilise support, especially for the most vulnerable, for whom prolonged high temperatures can be dangerous. But the language and the reporting invariably frames such weather in a highly negative way that creates unhelpful levels of anxiety among many, let alone those who may already experience eco-anxiety.
‘It's hot’ is a judgement……..[Read more]
by Bill Sheate
When worry becomes the problem….
What is worry?
One way to look at worry is that it is the brain’s random attempt at problem solving, but to no avail. A more formal definition is the:
“Prolonged and fruitless search for a solution that will provide safety from the perceived threat of harm” (Clark and Beck, 2010)
Worry is typically future-focused; it is the opposite of present moment awareness (mindfulness). It’s about excessive thoughts that go round and round, creating stories we tell ourselves about what might happen and asking ourselves what we can do about it - ‘what-if’ questions about the future. ………..
by Bill Sheate
What do we mean by self-awareness?
Increasingly educational psychology recognises the importance of students developing self-awareness competency - the ability to reflect on one’s own role in society, to be able to evaluate one’s actions and to deal with one’s emotions and desires.
Typically, this involves five key aspects: ……..
by Bill Sheate
Mastering mindfulness is key to reducing anxiety
Mastering mindfulness is a key technique in helping to reduce anxiety, but is surprisingly simple to do, if you understand some basic principles. It should never be a chore. Here are 12 simple steps to mindfulness: .........