Eco-anxiety / eco-distress
As with other forms of anxiety, eco-anxiety (or climate anxiety) is an emotional response to something fearful: a fear that something bad is going to happen and you won’t be able to cope. In this case, worry about the state of the planet, climate crisis, biodiversity extinction etc and an overwhelming sense of helplessness/hopelessness. Sometimes this might involve panic attacks, anger or overwhelming sadness and depression (eco-distress), an avoidance of going outside or doing the things you enjoy doing.
Eco-anxiety/eco-distress may be something that comes and goes; it may be triggered especially by a period of hot, cold or wet weather, perceived signs of climate stress or news items (e.g. forest fires, deforestation, politicians who don’t care) that draw you in to more worry and anxiety or depression. It can have a profound effect upon your sense of well-being now and into the future - do you want to have children, for example - what future might they have, and what impact on the planet?
Because the environment has found a special place in your personal values, I find Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and mindfulness approaches can be very effective for eco-anxiety and eco-distress, as can meta-cognitive approaches - understanding any beliefs about beliefs; thoughts about thoughts. But my 40 years working in the environmental field (as an academic, consultant and campaigner) means I am well placed to specialise as a therapist in this aspect of anxiety and distress - I get the ‘environment’, as well as how this can impact the individual. A wide range of cognitive and behavioural techniques can be utilised and enhanced with hypnosis to help change the mindset so that the environment remains an important part of your values, but no longer distorts everything else. A more hopeful outlook can begin to grow.
I offer individual one-to-one therapy and also online workshops for understanding more about eco-anxiety / eco-distress. See this link for details of the next online Eco-anxiety Workshop or contact me directly for more information if not currently booking.
See two extended blog posts of mine on eco-anxiety and treatment: