by Bill Sheate
Seeking help for anxiety early can make all the difference to your life at University - don’t leave it to get worse
As students begin a new life at University over the coming weeks (September/October 2018), or return to continue their courses of study, many will already have previous experience of mental health issues while some may develop them at University, often in response to the stresses and strains that come with university life (work, relationships, being away from family, finances etc). Typical problems include: ……..
by Bill Sheate
Can I afford private therapy?
If you are considering seeking private therapy of any kind an immediate consideration is likely to be cost - can I afford it? Unlike some forms of therapy cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) is typically a short-term programme of treatment, because it is focused on specific issues and on helping you help yourself through developing skills and using techniques for greater self-efficacy. A short-term programme is likely to be around 4 - 6 sessions; ………..
by Bill Sheate
Guardian article highlights the rise in student use of counselling services
A Guardian article today - University mental health services face strain as demand rises 50% - highlights the increasing strain upon University counselling services as demand increases. Students accessing counselling services in the Guardian sample rose from just under 25,000 five years ago to more than 37,000 in the 2014-15 academic year, a 50% rise......