by Bill Sheate
This blog post brings together the four papers that were published out of Ute Thiermann’s PhD research on mindfulness and sustainability, under my supervision at Imperial College London, with access to the online papers/journals……[Read more]
by Bill Sheate
In this, the fourth paper from her PhD, Ute Thiermann and I explore qualitatively how people with experience of mindfulness meditation understand how their own relationship with the environment, sustainability and society has been influenced by their mindfulness practice.
Thiermann, U.B., Sheate, W.R. How Does Mindfulness Affect Pro-environmental Behaviors? A Qualitative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Change in a Sample of Active Practitioners. Mindfulness (2022). (Open Access)
by Bill Sheate
New publication in Frontiers in Psychology…..
A third publication (open access) has recently emerged (December 2020) from the research of my PhD student Ute Thiermann [1]:
Thiermann Ute B., Sheate William R., Vercammen Ans (2020), Practice Matters: Pro-environmental Motivations and Diet-Related Impact Vary With Meditation Experience, Frontiers in Psychology, 11 , 35-77,, DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2020.584353 [Read more]