by Bill Sheate
A 2 hour personalised, individual session on exam stress - now available for May and June 2019 only
Stressed out by exams?
Worried; wracked by self-doubt?
Tired from revision, but can't sleep?
Fearful; anxious about the outcome?
I'm offering - for a limited period only - a 2-hour one-off, personalised, individual session on exam stress at a highly discounted special student fee of £60 for the full 120-minute session. ……. read more
by Bill Sheate
Seeking help for anxiety early can make all the difference to your life at University - don’t leave it to get worse
As students begin a new life at University over the coming weeks (September/October 2018), or return to continue their courses of study, many will already have previous experience of mental health issues while some may develop them at University, often in response to the stresses and strains that come with university life (work, relationships, being away from family, finances etc). Typical problems include: ……..
by Bill Sheate
I was awake half the night......
Insomnia is often linked with stress, anxiety or low mood/depression, but not always. It can exist as an ongoing chronic problem which can seem quite unresolvable, going on for many years despite numerous attempts to find a solution. A defining feature of insomnia is the sense of having slept badly and of suffering as a result.......