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Eco-anxiety: what's in a name?

Eco-anxiety: what's in a name?

by Bill Sheate

Blog 1/2

In this first of two blogs, I’m looking at the words we use to describe emotional responses to environmental and climate change, and why it might matter what we call it. In the follow-up blog I’ll look at my own approach to treating eco-anxiety.

Eco-anxiety or Eco-distress?

There is now ample evidence for the prevalence of eco-anxiety (often among young people in particular), with vigorous debate among academics as to our understanding of the relationship between observed emotional, behavioural and cognitive responses to the impacts of climate and environmental change more generally.  Discussion ensues over terminology, categorisation and taxonomy of the psychology associated with climate change and what seems often to be a significant focus on ‘grief’……. [Read more] 

Eco-anxiety: an introductory workshop - 16 August 2023 now booking

Eco-anxiety: an introductory workshop - 16 August 2023 now booking

by Bill Sheate

Online 90-minute workshop 16 August 2023, 6.00-7.30pm

This introductory workshop provides an opportunity to share experience and begin to develop a deeper understanding about what eco-anxiety is, and how you can better manage and re-frame your approach to it. It acts as a standalone workshop but also offers the precursor preparation to subsequent individual one-to-one or small group therapy for eco-anxiety if desired.


  • Introductions and overview

  • Context and issues

  • Sharing of experience

  • Understanding eco-anxiety and treatment options ……. [Read more]

How Does Mindfulness Affect Pro-environmental Behaviours?

How Does Mindfulness Affect Pro-environmental Behaviours?

by Bill Sheate

In this, the fourth paper from her PhD, Ute Thiermann and I explore qualitatively how people with experience of mindfulness meditation understand how their own relationship with the environment, sustainability and society has been influenced by their mindfulness practice.

Thiermann, U.B., Sheate, W.R. How Does Mindfulness Affect Pro-environmental Behaviors? A Qualitative Analysis of the Mechanisms of Change in a Sample of Active Practitioners. Mindfulness (2022). (Open Access)

Eco-anxiety: an introductory workshop - now booking

Eco-anxiety: an introductory workshop - now booking

by Bill Sheate

Online 90-minute workshop 13 December 2022 6.00-7.30pm

This introductory workshop provides an opportunity to share experience and begin to develop a deeper understanding about what eco-anxiety is, and how you can better manage and re-frame your approach to it. It acts as a standalone workshop but also offers the precursor preparation to subsequent small group therapy for eco-anxiety if desired.


  • Introductions and overview

  • Context and issues

  • Sharing of experience

  • Understanding eco-anxiety and treatment options ……. [Read more]

Mindfulness and sustainability: a new research agenda

Mindfulness and sustainability: a new research agenda

by Bill Sheate

A new paper published….

Thiermann, U.B. and Sheate, W.R. (2020), The Way Forward in Mindfulness and Sustainability: a Critical Review and Research Agenda, Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, available online 2 July 2020

Following on from my last blog on this issue “Is there a link between mindfulness and sustainability” (22 April 2020), Ute Thiermann and I have published a further paper on this subject that reviews six leading theoretical links between mindfulness and sustainability that are backed by empirical evidence…… [Read more]

Is there a link between mindfulness and sustainability?

Is there a link between mindfulness and sustainability?

by Bill Sheate

A new paper explores this…….

Thiermann U, Sheate W (2020), Motivating individuals for social transition: The 2-pathway model and experiential strategies for pro-environmental behaviour and well-being Ecological Economics (2020)

Is there a link between mindfulness and sustainability? Well, there is certainly an ever-growing literature in this field trying to explore it.

Ute Thiermann (a PhD student of mine at Imperial College London) is exploring this and we have just published her theoretical framework for understanding what might be the complex web of relationships between mindfulness and pro-environmental behaviour…….[Read more]